The Federation Internationale of Gymnastics (FIG) is the international governing body that establishes the rules for all gymnastics disciplines: Men’s Artistic, Women’s Artistic, Rhythmics, Tumbling and Trampoline, Acrobatic, and Group Gymnastics. The FIG is the only international organization recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to send gymnasts into Olympic competition. [Website]
The United States of America Gymnastics (USAG) is the national governing body that establishes the Junior Olympic rules for all gymnastics disciplines: Men’s Artistic, Women’s Artistic, Rhythmics, Tumbling and Trampoline, Acrobatic, and Group Gymnastics in the United States. They are the only national organization recognized by the FIG to send athletes into international competition. [Website]
Region 3 Gymnastics is the governing body over regional competition in Artistic Gymnastics. Acrobatic Gymnastics shares the same national organization as a national head as Artistic (USAG), but has a different governing body for regionals. Region 3 comprises of the slightly different states for Artistic (Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming) and Acrobatic Gymnastics (Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, Texas). [Website]
Texas USAG is the fraternal organization of Texas Acro for Artistic Gymnastics. As Texas Acro grows, we expect future cooperation between the two organizations. [Website]
The Gymnastics Association of Texas (GAT) is a wonderful non-profit organization that promotes every aspect of gymnastics in Texas. GAT has embraced Texas Acro, inviting us to their annual Labor Day weekend conference seminar clinicians. They also support Group Gymnastics, which is a sister discipline to acrobatic gymnastics. [Website]