Calling all current & former elite acrobats!

We need your voice!

USA Gymnastics is adding a combined athlete representative seat to the Board of Directors. This is a single representative for the combined disciplines of Acro / T&T / Rhythmic. We would really love to see Acro represented!

There are eleven candidates in the running and seven of them have Acro backgrounds. Two of them are former Texas Acrobats, too! Please take a few minutes to review their qualifications (linked on the voting page) and place your vote for this important position!

The former Acro athletes in the running are:

  • Sydney Martin
  • Sabina Knight
  • Jessica Renteria
  • Aubrey Rosilier
  • Kiley Boyton
  • Sasha Gladkova
  • Anya Grafov

To vote, you must have competed at the junior or senior elite level in the past 10 years at one of the following events:

  • Nationals
  • Worlds
  • Pan Ams / PAGU

You must have your USA Gymnastics membership number to cast your vote, even if you are not a current member. If you don’t remember your number, you can email or call Member Services at (800) 345-4719.

To find out more information about each candidate, right click on their name and open the link in a new tab. You will find a dropbox file with either their Letter of Intent or their Resume. Voting is now open and will close on September 16th, 2022 at 11:45 PM EST. When completing your ballot, please make sure to include your qualifying event and year (i.e USA Gymnastics Championships, 2022). 

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